Frontier's Commissions


Terms of Service

1. All commissions must be paid upfront in PayPal, Ko-fi or CashApp USD. I do accept payment plans, however I will not begin a commission until payment is fully completed (having said this, I no longer accept eCheck payments because they take too long to go through).2. I will post all commissions with a watermark to reduce the risk of theft; if you do not want me to post your commission and want me to instead just send it to you, please specify!3. I will NOT share your email; I will only use it for sending you your commission and invoice4. I am not a machine! Please be patient; I WILL finish your commission, I promise! You can generally expect my turnaround time to be within two months, but it may rarely be just a bit longer. Life happens, y'know?5. I have the right to decline or cancel any commission if it makes me uncomfortable or if I am unable to do it. In the event that I cancel your commission after you have paid, you will receive a full refund. However, in the event that you wish to cancel a commission yourself, you will not receive a refund if I have already moved into the finalization stages of the commission (lines, colors, turnaround, etc.); I will only refund half of the commission's price if you cancel after the sketch is approved.6. I generally send WIPs of the commissions and possibly stream while I work to both help me focus and also to make sure things are looking alright with your commission; if you have any issues with this, please tell me!7. You may NOT reproduce the commissioned work for monetary gain in any way, shape, or form (THIS INCLUDES NFTS)


I have a few rules to keep in mind while you decide what you want to commission:- You may order as many slots as you want!- I work on commissions out of order sometimes, depending on complexity. if you see me finish someone else's before yours, it's because theirs was easier/quicker to finish!- I work fast, but sometimes things come up and I don't get to work on commissions for longer than I had planned. Please be patient! My commissions shouldn't take longer than a week or two at most under normal circumstances, but if something comes up they could take longer!- I am willing to work within your budget as best I can, but I can only reduce the price by so much! Please don't be afraid to ask about this, though!Things I will do:- furries
- humanoids
- animals
- canon characters
- refs from 3D models or real photos
- sfw
- certain other requests; please ask!
Things I will NOT do:- general nasty things. use your best judgement
- nsfw
- nazis/nazi imagery/racist caricatures/etc. characters that promote harmful or bigoted views
- ships I'm uncomfortable with
- mechas/armored characters (UNLESS the armor/tech is simple and cartoony, like Skulker or Fright Knight; also possible exceptions for icons; we can discuss exceptions if I really like the characters, like Junkrat)
- gore (blood and violence is fine)
- text-only references (exceptions for character designs)
If you're wondering if I will or will not do something, please ask!

To order, simply email me at [email protected], message me on discord (marimoworks), or DM me on my socials!

Background Prices

Each commission can be done in a style of your choosing with no extra charge! If you have a style that I've done in mind, please link an example drawing I've done so I know what style to use!

There are generally price ranges depending on complexity!If you want your commission rushed, there is a rush fee of $30! But I can almost guarantee it'll be done within the same day depending on when I start!Backgrounds are available for an extra charge! these will cost the same as one character!THESE ARE NOT ALL THAT I OFFER! If you'd like something not listed, please ask!

Currently Offering

These are the items I currently offer!

$50 (standard), $30 (compact), $15 (lil guy)

- 500x500 px standard, smaller for compact and lil guy
- flat colors, no shading
- white or transparent bg
- extra chars +cost of one chibi

Icon: $75

- 500 x 500 px
- solid, pattern, or transparent backgrounds
- choice of border
- square, rounded square, circle, or other shape
- full colored images
- I can do joint icons! If you want a joint icon, please specify in your initial inquiry

$30 (sketch), $60 (flats),
$90 (full color)

- sizes vary (I work at 100% zoom)
- shoulders-up bust of your character
- white background unless asked otherwise
- color can be added to sketch for +$15

Half Body:
$50 (sketch), $80 (flats),
$150 (full color)

- sizes vary (I work at 100% zoom and crop/resize my images)
- waist-up drawing of your character
- please note that the brush I use for sketches changes constantly
- multiple characters allowed; they will be +the price of one character
- color can be added to sketch for +$25

Full Body:
$75 (sketch), $125 (flats),
$200 (full color)

- sizes vary (I work at 100% zoom and crop/resize my images)
- full body drawing of your character
- please note that the brush I use for sketches changes constantly
- multiple characters allowed; they will be +the price of one character
- color can be added to sketch for +$45

Fake Comic Panel: $125 (flats), $175 (full color)

- a fake comic panel illustration made to look like one of my comics!
- flats or shading
- half bodies only
- background included

Reference Sheet: $250 base (flats), $400 base (shading)

- colored bg unless asked for otherwise
- color palette
- full body 3/4 views (front and back)
- sizes vary (I work at 100% zoom but I increase the size)
- Extras (such as extra shots of the head for hair styles or something or extra body shots) will be available for at least $20 more! Anything more complicated than that will cost more!
- +Extra head shot (for maybe a different angle) = +$25 (sketch), +$50 (flats), +$75 (shading)
- +Extra half body shot = +$50 (sketch), +$75 (flats), +$100 (shading)
- +Extra body shot (for multiple outfits or body scar/tattoo/marking references) = +$75 (sketch), +$125 (flats), +$175 (shading)
- +Anything else can be discussed! Some things (such as paw pad refs or extra eye colors) will be free
- Can include likes, dislikes, etc. info if asked for it! Default refs don't include these unless asked for
- SPECIAL OPTION FOR FURSUIT REF SHEETS: If stated that you want a fursuit ref sheet, you will receive a front, back, and side view of your character (including a palette and any extra features) for $300!

Tweened Page Doll: $150

- transparent bg unless asked for otherwise
- simple tweened looping animation
- flat colors, no shading
- full body
- will be less than 900 px

50x50 Pixel Doll: $50

- transparent bg unless asked for otherwise
- simple 50x50 px doll

~100x100 Pixel Doll: $100

- transparent bg unless asked for otherwise
- simple static pixel doll
- will be around 100x100 px, give or take (unless you want it to be 100x100 exactly, in which case please tell me!)

Sketch Page:

B/W: $250
Color: $325

- will include one full body and four headshots
- will probably be pretty random; i'll draw whatever comes to mind with your character

Full Character Design: $350+ (flats), $450+ (shading)

- a custom character design just for you!
- involves the full design process, which is a lot of back and forth between me and you so i know exactly what you want
- final product includes a full ref sheet (3/4 front and back views + palette)
- same add-ons available as ref sheets
- add full turnaround = +$200 (flats), +$300 (shading)

Fake Pokémon Cards

Simple: $125
Detailed: $175
Simple Full: $200
Detailed Full: $250

- a fake pokemon card of your oc!
- can be a trainer OR pokemon
- free choice between regular or holo
- simple illustrations include a full color illustration of your character + a simple, gradient background, while detailed illustrations include the character + a detailed painterly bg!
- regular cards take up the top of the card, while full cards take up the entire card
- PRINTING AVAILABLE*! total prices are as follows: $150 (simple), $200 (detailed), $225 (simple full), $275 (detailed full)
- *for printed cards, there is a minimum order quantity of 10 cards, meaning you could get 10 of one design, 5 of two designs, etc., but please know i charge per design! as for the backs, they will be obviously edited to where they can't be passed off as real pokemon cards, so no worries there!

Custom Merch: Ask!

- a custom piece of merch with a character/characters of your choice!
- i will make anything offered by, custom for you!
- price depends on 1) minimum order quantity OR how many pieces you want, 2) the product(s) you choose, 3) the amount of art i'll need to draw for the products, and 4) shipping from them to me to you!
- some items require a minimum order quantity of more than 1 (for example tarot cards are moq of 10, stickers are moq of 50, etc), so please keep this in mind when ordering!